Concerned about servicing your loans? If you are concerned about servicing your loan, reach out to your local mortgage broker for help. As Australians everywhere take a close look at their financial circumstances, mortgage brokers stand ready to lend a helping hand. Whether experiencing financial hardship through job loss, a reduction in work hours, or […]
READ MOREThe Pros and Cons of Low Deposit Loans A low deposit home loan is exactly that – while normally you would need a minimum 20% deposit, with a low deposit home loan you only need to provide a deposit of between 5-15%. This type of loan is attractive to first time buyers, individuals who are […]
READ MOREGetting it together: what to know before you consolidate Managing multiple loans can be difficult – and stressful. One way to simplify your financial situation and save yourself time, effort and (hopefully) money is to centralise your debt. But it’s not always the right answer, so here’s what to consider before you consolidate. When you […]
READ MOREThe Pros and Cons of a Bridging Loan If you want to purchase another home before selling your current residence, you can talk to your lender or mortgage broker about securing a bridge loan – also called a bridging loan – to cover the costs of the new purchase until you receive the funds from […]
READ MOREA Simple Guide To Small Business loans
READ MORETips to pay off your home loan faster When you first purchase your home, your home loan can seem overwhelming. It can be tempting to take a conservative approach and pay only as much as the bank requires. However, with a few strategic efforts, you can pay it off a little faster, and save yourself […]
READ MOREWhen is the best time to refinance your home loan? As a home owner with a mortgage, chances are you’ve heard of the term ‘refinancing’. Refinancing involves reviewing your current mortgage, and potentially swapping your loan to another lender who can better meet your current needs, wants and circumstances. Refinancing can also allow you to […]
READ MOREPaying off a mortgage can seem relentless – every payment counts of course, but it can seem to be taking forever to make a dent. Here are some simple ways you can increase the amount you pay off and own your home sooner. Reducing the principle on your mortgage as quickly as you can […]