Published by : Michael Naughtin

What Do I Need To Know About Debt Consolidation? Not to confuse it with debt elimination. If you’re swamped with credit card debt and personal loans, it can sometimes help to talk to a professional about debt consolidation. However, you need to be wary. You might end up paying more in the long term and/or […]


  While some view LMI as being exclusively beneficial for lenders, we explore the value for first home buyers. Not to be confused with mortgage protection insurance (which is designed to protect the borrower), LMI is insurance that covers the lender’s risk within a residential mortgage transaction should the loan go into arrears and the […]


Considering transforming your home from ‘banal’ to ‘brilliant’, but lack the funds to support your makeover? Never fear, we’ve rounded up five home renovation finance options that could help turn your dream into reality. 1 Equity Release / Top Up Home Loan This is probably the most common way people borrow money when they want […]


Fixed rate loans; the ins and outs With interest rates at an all-time low, and many lender’s fixed rates lower than their variable options, locking in an interest rate on your home loan to guard against possible future fluctuation may be attractive. However, it pays to know the ins and outs of fixed-rate loans before […]


Tips for finding the best property loan for your investment  An essential element of property investment is finding the loan that will support your investment goals. Here we look at some strategies that can be particularly beneficial for property investors. Research a wide range of lenders You don’t need to limit yourself to your local […]


Home builder grant

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Home builder grant information below.


8 First Home Buyer Mistakes Purchasing a home is perhaps the biggest financial commitment of your life, and it’s important to establish a good foundation for your financial and personal future. Yet there are many pitfalls for an inexperienced home buyer, and these mistakes can be costly in the long term. Here are some of […]


Financial tips for property investors Property investment is well known to be an excellent and relatively secure form of wealth creation, accessible to people of any income who have the initiative to plan their investment strategy and tackle it one step at a time. One of the keys to successful property investment is your financial […]


What your mortgage broker needs to know  When you are ready to purchase a property, you want the process of securing your home loan to be as efficient and streamlined as possible. Your mortgage broker or lender can help you work through the process of securing the right loan for your circumstances, while There are […]


What Loan Features Are Right For You?  When you are choosing your home loan, there are a wide range of optional features to improve the value of your loan. However, it is important to ensure you choose features which contribute to your overall goals. Your mortgage broker or financial advisor can help you select the […]